
Good Morning World

Happines could be.. when u wake up 3 in the morning… Jetlegged and hard to sleep, u r pretty sure the fridge is empty, have a quick look anyway and woala what u find… a molded HushallsOst, och i frysen ligger nagra skivor fruset fullkorns brod. Nu galler det bara att hitta osthyveln for att trimma mogel kanterna. Nar jag sen hittar en pase med EarlGrey ar lyckan gjord… Good things in life are simple… I start up the open office and hang around long enough to watch as the sun is coming up over my pool cleaning project. The soft bells from the temple ring in a new day…

Look at that Magic light… picture is taken with the standard IPH4 app.

When the rest of the cottage wake up I get served freshly picked and cut Annanas, Papaya/Lime, & Mango… It’s already a lovely day.



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